Monday, 12 November 2012

FL Woman Dies 3 Months After Husband Allegedly Doused Her With Gasoline.

Culled from ABC News.

Megan Kimbrough was a fighter, by all accounts, enduring countless surgeries as she recovered from a brutal attack allegedly perpetrated by her husband that left her with burns on 80 percent of her body. On Saturday, the Florida mother of two passed away after battling an infection, a little more than three months after she was doused with gasoline and lit on fire.

“Meg is having a rough morning and my heart is breaking and for as long as there is light in her beautiful eyes I will hold onto hope,” Megan’s mother posted on Facebook Friday morning, sharing her daughter’s final hours. “When I was with her last night I desperately wanted to hold her but I can not so I will wrap my love around her.” Megan’s husband, Joshua Kimbrough, could see his attempted first degree murder charge upgraded since his wife passed away, authorities in Polk County said.

On Aug. 3, prosecutors say, Kimbrough allegedly doused his wife with gasoline and lit her on fire at their Lakeland home. Megan Kimbrough ran outside, where neighbors helped put out the flames with blankets. When doctors initially treated her in the emergency room, they did not expect her to survive, But with her family by her side, Kimbrough seemed to be making progress until she took a turn for the worse.

Following the incident, Joshua Kimbrough allegedly went on a crime spree, burglarizing a house, carjacking a driver at gunpoint and using a stolen credit card. When prosecutors informed Kimbrough that his wife would likely not survive, he reportedly replied: ”I am done with his [expletive] show.”Kimbrough is due back in court for a pre-trial hearing on Dec. 12.

A funeral service will be held on Dec. 1 in Scottsburg, Ind., where Kimbrough grew up.

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