Monday, 5 November 2012

Obama Leads Romney 47-42 Percent Among Likely Voters in Iowa.

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President Barack Obama leads Republican challenger Mitt Romney by five percentage points among likely voters in Iowa, according to a poll released Saturday by the Des Moines Register.
Forty-seven percent of likely Iowa voters who participated in the survey said they're supporting Obama, compared to 42 percent who plan to support Romney. The survey was taken Oct. 30 to Nov. 2 by Selzer & Co. and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Among those, 7 percent said they were open to changing their minds before Tuesday, reports The Ticket.
Here's a wider breakdown of the numbers, courtesy of the Des Moines Register:
President Barack Obama does best with union households (31 points better than Mitt Romney), unmarried voters (up 28 points), younger voters (up 17), those with no more than a high school education (up 16), seniors (up 12), in the 1st Congressional District in eastern and southeastern Iowa (up 12) and with women (up 11 points).
Obama, a Democrat, also does well with Iowans who did not participate in the 2010 election, winning 53 percent to 31 percent among this group.
Romney, a Republican, does best with evangelicals (26 points better than Obama), voters in Iowa's 4th Congressional District in northwest Iowa (up 19 points), married moms (up 18), affluent voters (up 17), married voters (up 10), middle-age voters (up 9), people with minor children (up 5), and with men (up 3).

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