Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has received warnings from neighboring Republic of Niger that the present water level in River Niger is high, just as the last time in 2012, a year of destructive floods. Following intense rainfall and rises in water level, NEMA has advised communities along the River Niger to evacuate immediately to safer ground over the likelihood of floods that may occur at any moment from now," the agency said in a statement earlier this month."If the heavy rainfall continues in intensity and duration within these regions of the River Niger, it is imminent that flood situation similar to that of the year 2012 may occur," NEMA Director General Muhammad Sani Sidi said. The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), in collaboration with the Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), has warned of potential flooding in 11 states across the country between August and October this year.With confirmation from the agencies of ground saturation, any further easterly waves will produce flooding. Over the last two days, Kano state reported nearly 150mm of rain. Abuja reported only 16mm but given the local city flooding, there was probably more. Bida, to the west of the capital, recorded 28mm.The warnings of evacuation have been issued and the thunderstorm clusters are developing regularly.The final weeks of Nigeria’s rainy season may be dramatic., reports Aljazeera.
Very educative and informative blog, thanks for the flood notification alert. Love reading your blog,keep the good work.